About me

Hi, I’m Jennifer and welcome to my craft blog 'Nerdy Nitter'. This is my zone on the internet where I will blog all things knitted and geeky. I began this blog in May 2015 and have restarted it March 2016. I hope I can share things I make and enjoy with you.

I’ve been knitting as long as I can remember and have taught several of my friends and even my 5 and 9 year old cousins to knit. I am mostly self-taught, supplementing my skills with youtube videos although my grandma first sparked my interest.  I’ve always been crafty and starting this blog has helped me to give something back to the people who have got me this far.
My first mittens - loved the pattern for dalek fairisle chart
Knitting is a large part of my daily life. I find that it is therapeutic and easy to take on public transport as long as it isn't banned, especially trains or long car journeys.  I especially love knitting whilst watching TV or listening to music, it can also be helpful to de-stress at the end of a day and get ready for sleep.  Unlike other crafts I've done, knitting grows quickly and unless a complicated pattern is being followed doesn't need much watching, I love the variety of patterns available and the range of nerdy knitting blogs and patterns that have been published.

I love taking my knitting on holiday to relax with - Spain, 2015
Here I am doing my Narnia square

I’ve always belonged in the nerdy groups at schools and clubs, and I love to knit and read, watch, wear and live the geeky things that I’m mad about. I started to write a list of everything that I love but it never ended and took for ever.  If you look at my geek list post it will give you a pretty good idea.

Was able to say goodbye to one of my music heroes, Bowie
I've always preferred the older music, especially; David Bowie, the Beatles and Adam Ant, but the more recent musicians I like are Coldplay and similar artists.

#ThrowbackThursday - Scary Spice
Cross dressing - Dad's lycra
 As I may have mentioned, I also enjoy dressing up, although these photos aren't of cosplay, they do show the annual week which happens at my sixth form (RAG week).  There are different themes for each week and I have displayed a few of the 2014/5 ones.

I first started this blog under the name nerdy fantasies as this was similar to my Tumblr blog.  My Tumblr originally had a much longer title which was too much of a mouthful to say and it didn't have much purpose other than finding blogs that I liked, but now I use it more regularly it has acquired a more geeky style.  I then changed the title to Nerdy Nitter as a play on words and this highlights much better the focus of my blog posts.

When I started this blog in May 2015, I had a rough idea of the direction I wanted it to take.  I have decided now that this blog will be focused primarily on nerdy knits but also about any life events and other interesting things.


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