
Showing posts from July, 2015

About me

Hi, I’m Jennifer and welcome to my craft blog 'Nerdy Nitter'. This is my zone on the internet where I will blog all things knitted and geeky. I  began this blog in May 2015  and have restarted it March 2016. I hope I can  share things I make and enjoy with you. I’ve been knitting as long as I can remember and have taught several of my friends and even my 5 and 9 year old cousins to knit. I am mostly self-taught, supplementing my skills with youtube videos although my grandma first sparked my interest.  I’ve always been crafty and  starting this blog has helped me to give something back to the people who have got me this far. My first  mittens  - loved the pattern for  dalek fairisle chart Knitting is a large part of my daily life. I find that it is therapeutic and easy to take on  public transport as long as it isn't banned , especially trains or long car journeys.  I especially love knitting whilst watching TV or listening to music, it can also be helpful to